We are very pleased to announce that works have commenced on the next stage of development at Merrifield City, 21 Cityside Drive.
This next stage of the development is an exciting addition to Merrifield City and represents the next step in our long-term vision to evolve the centre into a mixed-use town centre for our dynamic community.
The 21 Cityside Drive will see us deliver a swim school and office space adjacent to Merrifield City.
Construction work commenced on 30 March 2023, and while we timings may be subject to change, we expect to complete these works by mid 2024.
We are committed to mitigating the impact of this project on our community and have a robust construction management in place to help ensure this will be the case.
Merrifield City will remain open for business throughout these works with no impact to the centre during this time.
We are committed to open communication during this time and will continue to provide our community with updates as we reach the key milestones throughout the project.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page and website to make sure you’re up to date with more exciting announcements and updates.